
In a World Where Everything is the Best

In a World Where Everything is the Best

Ok, let’s take a short time travel here: Remember the time when you got one product on exchange for another, the time when merchants traveled from country to country to purchase exotic items? Well, now there is no such thing as “the exotic item”. With the help of digitization and globalization, however big this world maybe, it always fits within the four walls of your laptop screen, or even smaller, your mobile screen.

In a generation where everything is just a click away, where online streaming and social media are primary sources of entertainment and socialization, we cannot expect consumers to be patient. That’s how the consumers’ psyche toward a product or a service has evolved. They want the best and they want it now.

So, where does it all start?

Marketing made its appearance even when the term itself was not coined. So, the idea simply popped up in the conscious minds to draw more customers or spread awareness. In India, print media was first introduced not for commercial achievements but for national concerns. Same goes for radio as during World War II, Nazi government used this medium extensively to spread information about the party (arbitrary or not).

And spreading awareness about a product or a service is the core concept of marketing. This found a new meaning with television. Apart from advertisements, teleshopping shows were broadcast through which consumers bought products. The more attractive and efficient a product along with its unique display, the more would be the demand.

This fact gradually started to tickle the consumers’ concepts of ‘better’, ‘easy’ and ‘comfort’ that reached a dizzy high. Therefore, marketing took to the strategy of ‘the best’. Everything is the best. Competition got crueler.

The Advent of Online Media

Global accessibility and worldwide prominence are the two basic facets of online media.

The 90s witnessed the advent of the internet and the millennium, Google Adwords. So, it goes without a doubt that the internet was not limited to entertainment anymore but gradually opened itself to the world of commercialization and digital marketing or online marketing. Along with the inception of newer and more innovative services websites begin to grow and pile up in Google search pages like fat yellow page lists.

Social media, that was only used to make friends, became potential business prospects and is an ever growing platform since. The face of marketing changed with new strategies and even newer terms like ‘views’, ‘likes’, ‘post reach’, ‘local search’, ‘keywords’, ‘mobile marketing’, ‘traffic’, ‘geo-targeting’, ‘alt tags’, ‘analytics’, ‘affiliate marketing’ and there is a hell lot more.

Online shopping came to being and so did several mobile apps providing diverse services making life much easier than consumers ever expected. See how accessibility attained a whole new level!

With a fast lifestyle and demands met with a click or a tap, time has now become a crucial metric for marketing. Regular online presence is the key along with content driven by concise and attractive visuals.

Right now, it’s still evolving. 

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