
The Art Of Employee Engagement

The art of Employee Engagement

In the current dynamic business environment, where organizations are perennially pushed to control
costs and improve productivity, employers need to recognize precise triggers that influence
employee growth, engagement and, in turn, productivity. This is the quintessential aspect and a key
differentiator of every business. Engaged workforce offers companies a sustainable competitive
advantage, as they enhance brand recall which in turn leads to higher value creation for the
stakeholders. This will come into play only when the employees are recognized as key stakeholders,
and their voices are heard unequivocally.

Workplace enthusiasm has been a focus area for many organizations. Affective organizational
commitment includes positive and beneficial actions directed at employees which establish high-quality
exchange relationship. Mutual respect and appreciation (social exchange theory) will create a
positive experience for the employees, which would enable them to identify and associate with the
organization goals. Organisational commitment is a three-component model: Affective (emotional
attachment, employees involved in decision-making), Continuance (pros and cons of leaving your
organization), and Normative (sense of obligation to stay in one’s organization even if you’re
unhappy). The factors – organizational commitment and willingness to help form employee
engagement. It comprises of the attitude and behavior of an employee which is formed by positive
and fulfilling work-related state of mind. ‘Employee engagement’ is the emotional connection that the
employees have towards their organizations and the objectives. Engaged employees actually care
about their work and results as they understand its bearings on the company’s growth. Vigour,
dedication, and the absorption of work hence determines the overall impact. However, this can
happen only when the employees are a part of the decision-making process, and their words are
acknowledged. This will enhance employee’s perception of the importance of their say, foster sense
of ownership (thus enabling the release of creative and constructive solutions), and they’ll feel that
demands for autonomy and relatedness are being met.

To bring out the best results, an organization needs to allow ownership to employees to ensure best
results. Ownership of the work builds a culture of accountability among employees towards work.
The more accountable the workforce, the more fruitful it will be. Engaged employees, thus, will take
more interest in the work. Regardless of their title role and positions in the organization, all
employees expect a positive atmosphere and working associations with their managers and the
prospects to learn and grow. Work independence and teamwork will enhance the relationship between
an employee and the supervisor.

A sense of meaning and fulfillment will allow for employee commitment. This calls for job
satisfaction: enhancement in job role and responsibilities, proper utilization of employee skills,
autonomy, and freedom to employees at the workplace. Job satisfaction can be intrinsic (job role,
responsibilities, et cetera) and extrinsic (pay, customers, et cetera). It is the combination of feelings
about work and the attitude towards various realities of work. However, external pressures to show
the level of engagement can create a mismatch between individual preferences and external

Employee Engagement is “the persistent and pervasive motivational psychological state” of an
employee. Future growth prospects, focused skill building, domain expertise, and career
advancement are among the top motorists of employee contentment. In order to motivate
employees to give their best, their efforts need to be constantly recognized and rewarded. A
reasonable amount of work pressure is healthy as it helps them to go the extra mile but excessive of
it leads to poor moral development.

Once an employee feels engaged to an organization, it becomes a two-way street wherein a
company turns into an employer of choice close to an employee’s heart and the employee turns into
a 360-degree brand ambassador showcasing traits like loyalty, productivity, and ownership across
dealings in their sphere of influence.

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